Monthly Archives: June 2014

Wednesday Words- ECERS

Wednesday Words- ECERS

Wednesday Words We will look at the words that define us. First let me apologize.  I know it is Thursday and I am just now posting for Wednesday.  We had our Kindergarten graduation today so I was at school late setting up.  Like 10:30 pm late.  It was worth it!  Everything turned out beautifully! Now onto… Continue Reading

Time-Out Tuesday- Whadda Work For?

Time-Out Tuesday Each Tuesday we will take time out of the classroom to learn about each other.Goals…. So nice to have. So hard to set sometimes. My problem is that I want to do EVERYTHING!  I’m not even sure what my next big goal should be.  Here are a few ideas I’m toying with: Another… Continue Reading

Wednesday Words- NAEYC

Wednesday Words We will look at the words that define us.  Have you ever found that store, restaurant, or whatever that you just love and want to share with everyone?  I feel that way about NAEYC! So what is it?  The National Association for the Education of Young Children.  There are so many resources put… Continue Reading

Mindful Monday- Plants

Mindful Monday- Plants

Mindful Monday This is where each Monday we are mindful of our pedagogy, slowly adjusting our lessons to match our theories.  We use each spring to teach children about plants.  I bet I could enter any school from infants to fifth grade and see something about plants in a lesson during the spring.  It is… Continue Reading