Time Out Tuesday- I’m Baaaaack!

Time-Out Tuesday

Each Tuesday we will take time out of the classroom to learn about each other.

You may have thought I fell of the face of the Earth or was abducted by aliens.  Truth is I haven’t been blogging because late last summer an alien invaded me.  What I mean is I had a baby!  I had a rough pregnancy followed by a rough premature delivery.  My little bundle of joy is on her way to becoming a big bundle of joy and we are both doing well now. One of these days I will share the birth story with you all, but until then you will have to be satisfied with adorable baby pictures.  We had these done by the best photographer ever (seriously, check her out! http://www.kimberlingrayphotography.com/#!/Galleries/Newborn).

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I promise to blog more frequently now and I can’t wait to hear from all of you!

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